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Detecting Misinformation

How to detect misinformation and critically evaluate sources.

Tools to Find Reliable Sources

Having a list of sources you know are reliable will help you avoid misinformation and disinformation. Additionally, to escape from your filter bubble, it's important to use a variety of sources (news sites, radio, TV, etc.) from a variety of perspectives. As you evaluate and fact-check, you should start to notice sources that consistently produce reliable information. Keep track of these sources (bookmark them, make a list in your Notes app, etc.) - they should start to be a regular part of your information diet.

Video - "How to Choose Your News"


TED-Ed. (2014, June 5). How to choose your news - Damon Brown [Video]. YouTube.

Starting Points for the News

If you'd like to build reliable news into your information diet but aren't sure where to start, try one of these news organizations.