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Resources: Staff

A general resources guide for Butler staff.

Verso: Library Catalog

Verso: Butler Libraries Catalog

You can use our catalog to find books, movies, and video games in our collection. You can visit our library catalog from the library homepage by clicking on "Library Catalogs", and then "Butler Libraries (El Dorado and Andover)".

To search, begin by typing in keywords related to the title of an item or an item's topic into the search bar at the top of the page.

Below is an example of catalog results for "Batman".

A screenshot of results after searching "Batman" in the catalog.

With each result is different information about the item, such as its location, material type, call number, and status.

  • Material Type: The first three results list "DVD" beneath the title, publisher, and date of publishing. The catalog lists other material types, such as Blu-Ray, books, eBooks, eVideos, video games, and more.
  • Location: Beneath the material type is the library's name. For Butler Libraries, the abbreviation (AND or ELD) will tell patrons which campus the item is located at. Items in libraries from other colleges can appear in your search results, so it is important that you check the item's location.
  • Call Number: The call number is the address of the item in the library. It tells you how you can find the item in the library's collection.
  • Status: The status will tell you if the item is available, checked out, lost, or electronic. Each status has a different color that corresponds to it, such as:
    • Green: Available
    • Yellow: Checked out (The item's due date is listed.)
    • Red: Lost
    • Blue: Electronic (Click on the image of the item to access the item online.)

If you want to reserve an item that is currently checked out, you can call your library and let us know which item you would like reserved. You will get an email notification from the library once it has been returned and is ready for you to pick up. Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to reserve an item online (place a hold), at your convenience.

You will need to log in to your account in the catalog to place holds.

  1. Sign in to the catalog using your Butler ID (including the @ or Z) and the password USERPASS.
  2. Start by searching for the correct item in our catalog using the search bar at the top of the screen.
  3. When you find the correct item, check the location. Items denoted with "ELD" are in El Dorado, and items denoted with "AND" are in Andover.
  4. Click "Hold" on the item.
  5. Make sure to select the correct campus location you want the item delivered to. 
  6. Optional: Fill in the "Not Needed Before" and "Cancel if Not Filled By" dates for time-sensitive requests.
  7. Click "Place Hold" in the bottom-right corner.

Late Fees

Butler Libraries and Archives do not charge late fees if an item is returned. Please check your email for notifications from the library close to your due date or call/stop by the library to renew items you want to hold onto for a little bit longer.

Lost Fees

If a Library item has not been returned fifty-two (52) days past its due date, library items will be considered lost. When items are lost, a hold will be placed on your Butler account through Accounts Receivable. This hold will prevent you from checking out future items until it is resolved.

Users will be assessed a fee for the cost of the item plus a $10 processing fee through Accounts Receivable.

  • If an item has truly been lost, payments can be made through Accounts Receivable.
  • If an item is damaged, fees may be added to accounts similar to the lost fees.
  • If an item is returned and checked in, all lost fees will be waived.

If you would like to check out an item that is on the opposite campus you are on, you can call the library and let us know which item you'd like brought over. You will receive an email notification once the item arrives (usually within the next day). Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to do this online.

You will need to log in to your account in the catalog.

  1. Sign in to the catalog using your Butler ID (including the @ or Z) and the password USERPASS.
  2. Start by searching for the correct item in our catalog using the search bar at the top of the screen.
  3. When you find the correct item, check the location. Items denoted with "ELD" are in El Dorado, and items denoted with "AND" are in Andover.
  4. Click "Hold" on the item.
  5. Make sure to select the correct campus location you want the item delivered to. 
  6. Optional: Fill in the "Not Needed Before" and "Cancel if Not Filled By" dates for time-sensitive requests.
  7. Click "Place Hold" in the bottom-right corner.

Staff: Request Materials

Staff can request items to be purchased for use in the library's collection. To request an item, fill out the Materials Request form below.

Although we would love to add all items to our collection, please keep in mind we cannot purchase everything. Item requests will be evaluated according to our collection development policy before they can be purchased.


Staff: Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

You can easily request library materials from other libraries.

If you are looking for an item that is not in our collection, we can borrow it from another library through a service called inter-library loan (ILL). ILL allows us to borrow articles, books, movies, and more from other libraries around the country.

Requesting an ILL

You can fill out a form either on-site or online. You can access the form through the following link: You can also access this form by navigating to the "Interlibrary Loan" link on our homepage.

The more detailed the form, the better. You will hear back from a librarian about your ILL request through your preferred form of contact indicated on the form.

Most ILL take between 1-2 weeks to arrive.

Returning an ILL

Please return items by the due dates stated on the items. Failure to return materials by their due date will suspend future ILL borrowing privileges.

You can return borrowed materials to either location, either at our circulation desks or book drops.

Renewing an ILL

ILL are not guaranteed renewals; the decision to renew the item is at the discretion of the library that owns the item. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to renew an item.

Financial Responsibility

Lost materials, damaged materials, and overdue fines are the responsibility of the borrower.