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Resources: Students

A guide to Butler Libraries and Archives for students.

Procrastination & Time Management

Adapted from: Lucier, K. (2019, November 24). Steps for strong time management for college students. ThoughtCo.

  1. Get and use a calendar. It can be a paper calendar, cell phone, or bullet journal.
  2. Write down everything. Write down everything in one place. Schedule when you plan to sleep, when you're going to do the laundry, and when you're going to call your parents.
  3. Schedule time to relax. Just because your calendar goes from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. doesn't mean you can.
  4. Keep trying new systems. Very few college students make it through their programs without a calendar system; keep trying until you find one that works for you.
  5. Allow for flexibility. Leave room in your calendar so that you can move things around when needed.
  6. Plan ahead. Work backwards in your calendar and figure out how much time you need for your assignments.
  7. Plan for the unexpected. Expect the unexpected so you don't spend more unplanned time trying to fix your mistakes.
  8. Schedule rewards. Schedule a fun afternoon or evening and relax knowing you're not supposed to do anything else.

Time Management: Resources