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Resources: Faculty

A general resources guide for Butler faculty and adjuncts.

Canvas Librarian Program

Help your students get the help they need to successfully complete their research. With our new Canvas Librarian program, librarians can be added to Canvas courses at your request. 

Librarians can:

  • Message students about research
  • Help students navigate library resources
  • Provide students with mini-tutorial videos
  • Provide database troubleshooting
  • and more!

Librarians cannot:

  • See student's grades
  • Add grades
  • Change or edit module content

If you have any special requests or ideas to share with us, please let us know! We'd love to meet to answer any questions you may have.


Contact Us to Get Started


El Dorado

Email the librarian on your campus the following to get started:

  • Course Names
  • Course Numbers (CRN)

Why Should You Participate?

Benefits for Students

  • The research process is often frustrating and students are often not familiar with what a librarian can actually help them with 
  • Natural to reach out and ask for help from a librarian who is already part of the course since they are used to receiving help from their instructors in Canvas 
  • Can receive help and resources without having to go outside of Canvas
  • Librarians will be able to send tips and offer assistance that align with specific assignments since students often tune in on a "need to know" basis 
  • Build a relationship with another person on campus who is invested in their success

Benefits for Faculty

  • Save time - let the librarians keep up with all of the changes and updates to our over one hundred databases and handle the technical troubleshooting with your students
  • Librarians will be more familiar with the information and resource needs of your students and can develop personalized content based on your assignments
  • Applicable to face-to-face, fully online, or hybrid courses 

Benefits for Librarians

  • A better understanding our students' research needs
  • Able to tailor library resources to better meet the needs of faculty and students
  • Reinforce what they typically teach during a "one shot" library session throughout the semester